How do you earn a reputation as an authoritative expert?

As an established consultant, you have extensive knowledge of a particular subject garnered through research, education, and experience. This ever-deepening knowledge informs your perspective; it is at the heart of who you are and how you want to make a difference in the world. You are always listening, learning, and taking the time to understand the problem behind the problem.

You’ve built your career on your hard-earned knowledge and experience. And while you are well-regarded by your colleagues and clients, you still feel like a well-kept secret.

Being great at what you do isn’t the same as being known for what you do.

To earn a reputation as an authoritative expert in your field, focus on the three C’s:

  1. Conviction. You cannot build your reputation as an authoritative expert if you don’t share your ideas publicly. Giving voice to your ideas forces you to think more deeply so you can communicate it clearly. When you test your idea in the marketplace, your audience can evaluate it. The feedback they provide allows you to refine your idea further. As you refine your idea, you gain the confidence and clarity you need to share your idea with conviction. Every time you share your idea, you demonstrate your expertise, expand your influence, and magnify your impact.
  2. Credibility. You cannot build your reputation as an authoritative expert if you don’t demonstrate your credibility. In a world where everyone claims to have all the answers, you can stand out by clearly signaling to your audience precisely what makes you a credible expert. Your credentials may include degrees and certifications, where you studied or worked, testimonials, and public appearances, including speaking engagements, podcast appearances, media mentions, and bylines. Your credibility is based on your experience-based expertise.
  3. Community. You cannot build your reputation as an authoritative expert in a vacuum; you need a community. Your community includes the people to whom you wish to be of service. It also includes your colleagues, friends, and collaborators. Your community challenges and celebrates you — and you do the same for them. They expose you to different perspectives and help you refine your ideas by providing thoughtful and relevant feedback. They also help you spread the word by sharing your ideas with the people who need to hear them most.

When you write articles for publications like Harvard Business Review, Inc., and Entrepreneur, you not only share your idea with the publication’s readers, but you do so with conviction. These publications vetted you; they reviewed your credentials and, by choosing to publish your work, are signaling to their readers that you are a credible expert who offers a valuable perspective. You can reinforce that perspective by sharing the most relevant credentials in your contributor bio. By writing articles that provide smart, actionable advice, you build your community even further.

There are many ways to become an authoritative expert. Still, it is impossible to achieve that goal without conviction, credibility, and community. The world is a noisy place. By sharing thoughtful and actionable insights, your audience will come to value your perspective, and your voice will be heard.